Fisting, Mapplethorpe 1 —Greg Casale
It disappeared inside me.
I’ve seen the pictures—the finite places open
like a shutter on a western landscape.
Earth and sky race for perspective,
clouds defy the atmosphere,
saguaro and prickly pear, ripe red and
Fruit swells,
but the canyon
fills with shadows.
Fisting, Mapplethorpe 2
It disappeared inside.
Me? I’ve seen the pictures.
Tangled darkness. Egos waltz
drunk on peristaltic ferment.
Disembodied idiots pan for gold
in guts strip-mined by priests.
The search for significance leaves us with shit
smudged-up under our manicured nails.
Fisting, Mapplethorpe 3
It disappeared
Inside him I saw
the pictures’ failure
No image circumscribes the depth of man
Cave and tunnel painted past
woolly rhinos running ‘round stalactites
antlered god-men ithyphallic in the gorge
blood-red river feeds the cosmic tree
I bow to the black hole
anamnesis reliquary
insatiable I tread
prudently through antiquity’s dumping ground
In the sluice I feel it
It something
grab my hand and haul
my whole self in
Slain in the bog I lie
arms legs neck
pleated fingerprints pristine
awaiting discovery by another
groping explorer
David Axelrod
Devon Balwit
Amber Cecile Brodie
Erika Brumett
Trent Busch
Greg Casale
Hayan Charara
Todd Davis
James Dott
Julie Hanson
Michael Hardin
Jeffrey Herrick
Michael Hettich
Ginger Ko
Katie Kurtz
Kathleen A. Lawrence
Bruce McRae
Willy Palomo
Matthew Rotando
Myrna Stone
Carolyn Williams-Noren
Topaz Winters
Ray Young Bear