Departure for New York // June 1 // 10:44 a.m. —Carolyn Williams-Noren
Every time it's hard
not to say fucking airport
Today, sky like gray on gray watercolor.
In the car we fought gently
about the tree in the side yard—
whether it's dead, whether it's an elm.
The kids made up a song in the back seat.
You talked about cherries, sour and sweet.
Here’s the routine: park in the dropoff lane,
click out of the passenger seat,
stand behind the car while you
lean into the back seat
to kiss the kids goodbye
exhaust hot against my shins.
David Axelrod
Devon Balwit
Amber Cecile Brodie
Erika Brumett
Trent Busch
Greg Casale
Hayan Charara
Todd Davis
James Dott
Julie Hanson
Michael Hardin
Jeffrey Herrick
Michael Hettich
Ginger Ko
Katie Kurtz
Kathleen A. Lawrence
Bruce McRae
Willy Palomo
Matthew Rotando
Myrna Stone
Carolyn Williams-Noren
Topaz Winters
Ray Young Bear