Capture —Daniel Edward Moore
Need your body said was something I could change
the way desire’s wings destroys a nest with hunger,
the way you beheld me in the weather of your words
like fur in fields on fire praying to your rain.
Remarking on your innocence enough to make me guilty
enough to make the gavel made of cotton made of snow
blizzard through me nightly as salt melted my mind,
there in blackened puddles every nerve called you winter,
every nerve called me summer as in tropical & burned
as in morphine found a pump to make my thumb a question.
Does this explain the heart’s spasm of departure trampling
on the intimate of everything bestowed the countless &
careless beats poorly played the choice to still adore you
with my heart’s v-fib-ulation? It’s true I felt nothing
revived by pretty paddles the way a breathless songbird beating
beauty silly sings a psalm of capture all cardiac and caged.
Carrie O. Adams
Jennifer Bullis
Toi Derricotte
Kelly Dolejsi
Aisha Down
George Eklund
Michael Hettich
Julie Swarstad Johnson
Gregory Kimbrell
Kate LaDew
Frannie Lindsay
Kimberly Miller
Daniel Edward Moore
Sean F. Munro
Matthew Murrey
Tolu Oloruntoba
Sarah Pape
Lawrence Raab
Elizabeth Robinson
Aaron Smith