Edison Dupree


And now, old age. —But someday
before I die
I’m going to take up

that earliest art of bashing and chopping
away the face of a brittle stone
with a hard stone.
And then, with an antler tip,

pressure-flaking the fright-sharp
edge, the sacred shape
of a knife blade,
a spearhead.

I’ll corner the huge enraged creature,
and kill and butcher,
and eat its heart, and live
its raging afterlife.

Edison Dupree's collection Prosthesis appeared in the Bluestem Award series in 1994. He has also published two chapbooks: Boy With a Ball (Seven Kitchens Press, 2019) and A Rapid Transit (North Carolina Writers’ Network, 1988). A native of North Carolina, he has lived for many years in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where he recently retired from working as a university library assistant.

ISSN 2472-338X
© 2024