Dale Going


less like sky like shadowed hills
shadowed side of a mountain at twilight
shadowed dusk of distance

insistent forget me not a flooding
reminder remainder a remnant
of what had happened I had cancer

the sweetness like candied violets
was just too precious precious
was serious spread and darkened

angel’s trumpet death’s head
pendant blossom and mock
scumbled descending untenable

Dale Going's books are Leaves from a Gradual (Poets&Poets), The View They Arrange (Kelsey St. Press), As/Of the Whole (SFSU Chapbook Award), Aerial Perception, She Pushes with Her Hands, and Or Less (Em Press). Her work has been supported by the Fund for Poetry, California Arts Council, Yaddo and Djerassi Fellowships. Recent work apears or is forthcoming in VOLT, New American Writing, Blood Orange Review, The Banyan Review, Equinox, Griffel, LandLocked, Milk Press, The Nelligan Review, Stone Canoe, and in exhibitions at BRAHM Museum in Blowing Rock, North Carolina, and Fenimore Museum in Cooperstown, New York. A chapbook is forthcoming from Albion Books.

ISSN 2472-338X
© 2024