Rick Barot
"Past Lives"

Hayan Charara
"Holy Fuck"
"Fucking Hell"

 Patrick Donnelly
"Writ in Water"
"Garden, 1964"

Edison Dupree

Kathy Fagan
"Wedding Picture of My Parents"

Federico García Lorca
(translated by Recbecca Seiferle)
"Gacela of Unexpected Love"
"Casida of the Dark Doves"

Dale Going

Michael Hettich
"Maybe It’s Music"

Alan Hill
"My Daughter Does Makeup"
"The Secret Police"

Marlin M. Jenkins
"Anti-poetica Featuring Video Game and Police Murder"


Richard Jones
"The Trampoline"

Meg Kearney
"Heart Quartet"

Hezy Leskly
(translated by Adriana X. Jacobs)
"I’m six, on a walk with my parents, Saturday afternoon"
"The Smile"

Frannie Lindsay
"Scattering the Dogs"

Ling Yue / 凌越
(translated by Ye Chun / 叶春)
"We Spend the Winter in a Silent Room"
"The Cloudy Sky Stares at Me"

JoAnne McFarland
from American Graphic

Kylan Rice
"Illuminated manuscript"
"Internal rime"

Edward Salem

Danniel Schoonebeek
"Chimney Painting"
"Love Song"

Ellen June Wright
"Laure at Night"