Robin Tomens

Robin Tomens’ 2022 collection You Would Say That won the second annual Wishing Jewel Prize. (Read our interview with him about the book.) Here are three new visual poems.

Robin Tomens’ You Would Say That explores the dead language of manual typewriters, a poetry which chatters from craft to architecture. The familiar logic of the typewriter, the anchor of our desk, slips away, and letters slide off the grid into a choreographed questioning, pirouettes of punctuation. Hold tight, read differently, and open your mind to an atomistic collision, bonds forming and breaking in a bountiful microscopic ballet.
—Derek Beaulieu

This Ghost


Lowercase Intervention


You Asked for Nothing


Robin Tomens has been making art since producing zines in the Punk era. His multimedia collages and visual poetry have been featured in the exhibition Visual Poetry on the Page: With, Within, and Without the Word and with The Tunnel collective in London. Timglaset (Sweden) and Redfoxpress (Ireland) have published his booklets; his work has also appeared in Le Monde Diplomatique and Explorations In Media Technology. His art has been used for album covers, and he makes his own artist’s books, most recently a collection of typewriter art called Yes I No. He has also written a book on Jazz, Points of Departure: Essays on Modern Jazz (Stride, 2001) and contributed to Cut Up! (Oneiris Books, 2014). He lives in London. Visit his blog.

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