Ruby Hansen Murray
Where We’ve Always Been
1. Osage, Americana Encyclopedia, 1919
𐓷𐓘𐓻𐓘𐓻𐓟 a French corruption proper name now occupying
reservation in northeast Oklahoma east bank of 𐓁𐓣 𐓻𐓶𐓲𐓟
in 17th century an extensive region
between Arkansas and Missouri rivers
Marquette places them on the 𐓁𐓣 𐓷𐓘𐓻𐓘𐓻𐓟 they remained
until their removal they were removed
they were forced to leave
in 1714 allied with French against the Foxes
the 𐓻𐓘͘𐓺𐓪𐓧𐓣͘ migrated to 𐓁𐓣 𐓻𐓶𐓲𐓟 area
in 1804 the 𐓷𐓘𐓸𐓘𐓪𐓧𐓣͘ numbered
and the 𐓬𐓘𐓮𐓶𐓪𐓧𐓣͘ a little less
under the care of the Indian Office
the former conceded all their lands
comprising the state of Missouri northern Arkansas
again in 1825 1839 1865
greatly reduced confined
judicious sale
superfluous [excess, running over, not needed]
[exceeding what is sufficient, unnecessary]
II. Oklahoma, American Encyclopedia, 1954
known as Louisiana Purchase possession of which
was assumed
adventurous traders the heart that fabulous region
the 𐓁𐓣 𐓻𐓶𐓲𐓟 the 𐓩𐓣 𐓪𐓯𐓶 the Grand
rude habitations traded with the 𐓩𐓣𐓤𐓘𐓯𐓣
received 𐓲𐓟, 𐓰𐓘 and 𐓻𐓘͘𐓬𐓟 for 𐓡𐓘𐓜𐓟𐓤𐓘 and 𐓷𐓘𐓬𐓪𐓤𐓘
the 𐓷𐓘𐓻𐓘𐓻𐓟 and Ogahpa [U-ga'-xpa ga-x]
the former 𐓩𐓣𐓤𐓘𐓯𐓣 was induced cede
[to yield or grant] [typically by treaty] to the 𐓣𐓯𐓰𐓘𐓡𐓣
all of eastern Oklahoma, Missouri,
Arkansas and Kansas
a hunters paradise including among Indian hunters
implements toward pacification
for reception of eastern tribes
Jefferson, Monroe, Jackson.
Kenzie Allen
Crisosto Apache
Tacey M. Atsitty
Kimberly L. Becker
Scott Gonzales Bentley
Kimberly Blaeser
Abigail Chabitnoy
Collestipher D. Chatto
Franklin K.R. Cline
Laura Da’
Aja Couchois Duncan
Max Early
Diane Glancy
Aimee Inglis
Boderra Joe
Joan Naviyuk Kane
Halee Kirkwood
Michaelsun Stonesweat Knapp
Chip Livingston
Manny Loley
Arielle Taitano Lowe
Tyler Mitchell
Ruby Hansen Murray
Kobe T. Natachu
Shaina A. Nez
Margaret Noodin
dg nanouk okpik
Delaney R. Olmo
Elise Paschen
Shantell Powell
Vivian Faith Prescott
Ha’åni Lucia Falo San Nicolas
Jake Skeets
James Thomas Stevens
Lehua M. Taitano
Margo Tamez
Arianne True
Annie Wenstrup
Ruby Hansen Murray is a MacDowell fellow and winner of the Iowa Review and Montana Prizes, whose work has been nominated for Pushcart prizes and Best of the Net. Her work is forthcoming in Cascadia: A Field Guide (Tupelo Press). Find her in Ecotone, River Mouth Review, Under the Sun, the Massachusetts Review, Pleiades, High Desert Journal, South Florida Poetry Journal, and Moss. She’s a citizen of the Osage Nation with West Indian roots living in the lower Columbia River estuary.
ISSN 2472-338X
© 2022