Noah Stetzer
u up?
meet me on the far
side of town meet me
at your empty office
meet me where no
one knows me meet
me when no one cares
where I am meet me
in an airport hour
meet me in a book
store night we can meet
with both our cars’ head
lights shining facing
one another we
can leave the engines
on with traffic far
enough away still
close enough to feel
like danger meet me
after what’s expected
but before too
risky to survive
meet me halfway down
from here far enough
to feel like threat
but close enough to
catch the smell of you.
Sherif Abdelkarim
Kaveh Bassiri
Mark Belair
Lena Blackmon
Jonathan Bracker
Mark S. Burrows
Benjamin Cutler
William Fargason
Robert Gibb
Lise Goett
Sarah Gridley
Michael Hettich
Dennis Hinrichsen
Paul Hostovsky
Chloe Jackson
Roxane Beth Johnson
Irène Mathieu
Maggie Smith
J.R. Solonche
Noah Stetzer
Susan Tichy
Kathleen Weaver
Jane Wong