Mark Belair
they look like glamorous hollywood publicity stills / these casual snapshots of my courting
parents / taken during world war two
my father in his fresh / white navy uniform / my mother in her dark / cautiously revealing
bathing suit / my father standing rakishly proud / arm tight around a figure cut for him to
remember / as he shipped out a radio operator / on a destroyer / pacific-bound
in a diary she kept while he was away / my mother compiled a list of navy slang / dragging
anchor / for example / meant bringing your wife along / an entry followed by exasperated
exclamation points
entries made so she’d know what my father was saying / when he came home from the war
but my father / upon his return / from post-bomb nagasaki / never used navy slang / he just
resumed / without comment / civilian life
though years later / my sister and i would sometimes hear him / alone in a room / late at night /
tap a table or wooden chair arm / with what sounded like something urgent / in morse code
Sherif Abdelkarim
Kaveh Bassiri
Mark Belair
Lena Blackmon
Jonathan Bracker
Mark S. Burrows
Benjamin Cutler
William Fargason
Robert Gibb
Lise Goett
Sarah Gridley
Michael Hettich
Dennis Hinrichsen
Paul Hostovsky
Chloe Jackson
Roxane Beth Johnson
Irène Mathieu
Maggie Smith
J.R. Solonche
Noah Stetzer
Susan Tichy
Kathleen Weaver
Jane Wong