Lena Blackmon
beads of sweat trace our shoulders, our hips little cosines.
bodies tangent, prerequisite to derivative;
me and this woman next to me touch arms for the whole colloquium,
black women holding each other the best we can;
my mother presses my hair, covers my ear with a mason jar lid:
the resultant hot gleaming sheath brushes my cheek like a finger.
grandma reaches for me across the backseat til i shift away,
distracted by primary school crushes and bicycles:
as their wheels whisk through the air,
each point only kisses the pavement for a second.
Sherif Abdelkarim
Kaveh Bassiri
Mark Belair
Lena Blackmon
Jonathan Bracker
Mark S. Burrows
Benjamin Cutler
William Fargason
Robert Gibb
Lise Goett
Sarah Gridley
Michael Hettich
Dennis Hinrichsen
Paul Hostovsky
Chloe Jackson
Roxane Beth Johnson
Irène Mathieu
Maggie Smith
J.R. Solonche
Noah Stetzer
Susan Tichy
Kathleen Weaver
Jane Wong