Jonathan Bracker
To a Modest Friend
You did something right or good
Or thoughtful or non-harmful
Today or yesterday or last week
Or last month.
You should magnify that
As though you were Bach
Writing a Magnificat,
Or angels
Choiring to Mary,
Or a weed
Drawn up by hot sun
To branch and flower vigorously
Like one of the tall standing menorahs
Outside the original Temple at Jerusalem.
Sherif Abdelkarim
Kaveh Bassiri
Mark Belair
Lena Blackmon
Jonathan Bracker
Mark S. Burrows
Benjamin Cutler
William Fargason
Robert Gibb
Lise Goett
Sarah Gridley
Michael Hettich
Dennis Hinrichsen
Paul Hostovsky
Chloe Jackson
Roxane Beth Johnson
Irène Mathieu
Maggie Smith
J.R. Solonche
Noah Stetzer
Susan Tichy
Kathleen Weaver
Jane Wong