The Dinner Bells —Kasandra Larsen
The sound of a baby wailing sails
over the neighbor’s half-dead apple tree
and the top two buttons on my blouse
have come undone, as if to push
a breast toward that open mouth. The cat
notices my attention elsewhere, glances
toward the window, opens her own mouth
silently, this gesture guaranteed
to make me fill her bowl. Night’s
creeping over the horizon, dragging
hunger behind it in the form
of an ambulance, red lights flashing,
keening for a body to be slipped inside.
David Axelrod
Devon Balwit
Hugh Behm-Steinberg
Erika Brumett
Jennifer Bullis
Lauren Camp
Greg Casale
Laura Da'
Denise Duhamel
Alejandro Escudé
Jeff Ewing
Michael Hettich
Dennis Hinrichsen
Safia Jama
Eleanor Kedney
Kasandra Larsen
Patrick T. Reardon
Matthew Schnirman
Maureen Seaton
Jeffrey Skinner
J.R. Solonche
Carolyn Williams-Noren