Jennifer Bullis
Franny Choi
Grant Clauser
Adriana Cloud
Jamison Crabtree
Barbara Daniels
James Dott
Kathy Fagan
Robert Gibb
George Held
Michael Hettich
Paul Hostovsky
Richard Jones
Cybele Knowles
Kate LaDew
Corey Mesler
Patrick Milian
Mark A. Murphy
Alison Roh Park
Craig Santos Perez
Anita Rankin
Ben Rutherfurd
Natasha Sajé
Gary J. Whitehead
The Surrounded, 2014 —Craig Santos Perez
to my wife
Surrounded by our midwife and doula, you labor
in bed, at home, pushing our daughter into the gravity
of this collapsing world. Surrounded by war and natural
disasters, 60 million people, just this year, were forcibly
displaced—half were children. Surrounded by fear
and threat, they sleep outside of train stations and closed
borders, on blankets in city squares, in the rough down
of grassy fields, or against foreign shores and the crowded
ocean floor. Or they don’t sleep at all because the attacks
happened at night, because nightmares are the ghosts
of shrapnel. I surround you and our daughter with pillows;
more than half of all border walls in the world have been built
since 2001. While we are surrounded by dangerous
climate thresholds, why do nations continue to fabricate
and fortify fence lines, when we should be making beds
and marking red lines to shelter the most vulnerable?
Why do nations continue to blanket us in military bases
and detention centers, when we should be blanketing
our children in genuine security. Surrounded by morning
light, I watch my family sleep. Please, don’t wake up yet.